Thursday, 8 September 2011

What's up with search for thee PERFECT Romance?

Lately I've been frustrated over the whole idea of a great romance. 

In my 19 years of being alive I've never experienced love other than what I've seen or read about.  While there were a few close calls -- I've seemed to stray away from it.  Have I wondered about it? -- Hell yes.  Dreamed about it? Hell yes.  Like many girls waiting for their prince charming or the residental bad boy to come along -- I've always been waiting for the right guy to appear.

Enough about me though, I'm not here to discuss my non-existant love life (although my friends try to usher me into it). I'm here to talk about what could be--please note the COULD BE--thee BEST romance?

There's movie loves, video game loves, book loves, tv show loves -- even real life love but what's the BEST kind to see or know?

There's always two sides of this debate:
guys vs girls,
the young vs the old,
the puppy vs the experienced,
the cynical vs the optimistic.

Personally there's many different kinds of love as many as there are different cultures.  It is vibrant and beautiful while it can be down right ugly and rocky.  There's laughter and smiles, sadness and comfort, anger and troubles -- like with every day relationships with family and friends but on a more intimate level.  And those of you who think I'm talking about THAT level of intimaticy GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER (or that just me?).

Regardless I always thought a love should be slow and sweet -- er, perhaps more of the thoughtful side as the two parties being to acknowledge one another whether they got off on a bad start or not.  Then slowly and gradually grow to like the other.  Then again other times I think there's should be an instant connection.  Not to coin the phrase 'Love At First Sight' but it has happened before (not to me but those whose love stories I heard about from).  I think its sweet and daring but sometimes makes us forget what we could be getting ourselves into -- 'Love can be blind'.

However love comes in many different forms -- not just the physical and emotional ties. There's many different ways to portray love and to describe it -- a gentle caress, a passionate kiss, a loving embrace. And there's always many paths it can take -- marriage, best friends for life, lovers and whatnot.

Anyway I have to stop there for today and head to class.


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