Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Of Dreamless Creations

[looks around]
Erm, is this thing on yet?
[blinks] It is? [eye widens]
[scrambles to get her thoughts together and some lame excuse to persuade you to stay]

Hullo, I'm fairly new at this -- as if THAT wasn't obvious -- and hope to detail my journey as a fellow aspiring writer. 

And before I forget -- I'm usually called Magpie, which stems from a childhood nickname that seems to stick to me today.  This is also the explanation for some of my creative phrasing or phrases like ' EPICALLY AWESOME'.  It's been dubbed as Magpie-Speak, so if you don't think you've ever heard of such a saying or laugh at my poor attempt at deadpan humour -- THIS IS WHY. [laughs]

Besides that, I think the major question I'm asking myself today is why the heck would I do this a day before classes start? 

Well, I've been brooding on the subject of having my own blog.  For years I've either adored or loved reading blogs about other fellow writers, book reviewers and whatnot.  It's an exciting journey and task to undertake, especially to hold readers' interest.

To warn you, in the long run, I tend to ramble -- whether its a good thing or not -- I just thought you would like to know that.  This tends to happen when I'm either really really happy or really really fustrated or feeling mighty philosophical (ARGH I simply HATE that word sometimes) or poetic.  It really depends on the mood I guess. [shrugs]

So what I hope to do with this blog? 

Like I told you earlier, I hope to detail my journey as an aspiring writer even though I might take a while to get published and whatnot.  (Note: I tend to like saying 'and whatnot' so beware!) 

Perhaps I should tell you a bit about myself:

I'm entering my 2nd Year of University as an English Major.  I'm fairly short.  Often mistaken for a 11-14 year old when I'm already 19. [winces]  But no worries about that -- it just means my Youth Exilir is working. [insert evil laugh here]

And now my favourite past-time loves in my life besides my family and friends:

I've been a gamer since 2nd Grade when I received my first gaming system N64 and it still works today -- Man! Do I ever feel old! -- and played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  That is just simply ONE of my favourite games of all time (no pun intended).  So I haven't played as much as I used to but I still enjoy duking it out on Brawl, fail horribly in Halo, or traveling with Donald, Goofy and Sora as we try to save the worlds from darkness (Kingdom Hearts). 
Currently I'm playing Portal 2 and just ADORE IT. <3

I have so many movies that I don't know what to do with them other than cycle through and watch them over and over and over again.  I have favourites of course, but I'll address this in a later post. ;]

Heck, my whole room is littered with them.  I've read all kinds of genres -- mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, thriller, romance, dystopian, historical, suspense -- you name it, I've probably have read something in that genre.  I've also read TONS and TONS of books so if you ask me about a certain book, chances are I've read it and can still recite a good portion of the book back to you.  Try it.  I always love remembering various types of books and talking about them.

I've spent a good majority of my lifetime just simply writing, beginning as early as 1st/2nd Grade.  I know this because my friends would often ask for suggestions on what to do and explore today for recess and of course I'd create something on the spot. Whether its traversing an unknown world or raising a sword to save the world -- we did that.  Now writing serves as my drug. [laughs]  I probably shouldn't say it like that but what can I say? I LIVE TO WRITE. :]

So feel free asking me about any of the above whether its books, video games, movies, tv shows, or simply writing. (I just love it when people ASK me about my writing!)

Anyway I think this first post is getting a weee bit too long (this was what I was saying about the rambling curse I have) and will stop here for today.

I dunno if anyone would read this but if you do -- GREAT! You've JUST made my day.
If you comment -- AWESOME!! You've JUST made my day.
If you ask a question -- EPIC!!! You've JUST ABSOLUTELY MADE MY DAY.

Okay, now I'm just getting ridiculous.  But really I just love it if you just drop by to say hullo.  I tend to worship any given  comments/opinions/feedback and whatnot.  Not to sound desperate but really I just LOVE/ADORE hearing from you.

And now I just rambled on more ... again. [sighs]

Until next time!
~Magpie <3

I just TOTALLY forgot to talk about what I'm currently working on -- oh well. 
That'll be the second post for this blog.
Hopefully I'll see you then!

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