Lately, ever since the Harry Potter series came to a 'supposed' close, everyone keeps whispering and wondering who'll will take on the famous authoress for the prestigious Literary Throne in bid to become the next J.K. Rowling?
Writers desperately try to live up to the rising success and popularity that J.K. Rowling has created for herself with the help of Harry Potter and his magical world of witchcraft and wizardry.
As Publishers scramble in a desperate bid against time and effort in hopes of securing what will become the NEXT big thing.
While Readers await anxiously for the next big thing that will spellbind, capture their hearts, and enchant them and irrevocably knock them right off their feet, making them laugh and cry along with the story.
As a big fan (Its been what? Nearly 11 yrs now?) of the series, I'll admit my curiosity has been peaked several times whenever I hear or read people either shouting excitedly or screaming with glee: "[insert author's name here] as the NEW J.K. Rowling!" just to see who can possibly match her, if any.
I can't help but think:
Are we putting too much pressure on WRITERS in general?
This question has haunted me for a while now, and as an aspiring writer myself, I'm worried and concerned about this possible revelation.
I would love to be praised in that light myself but I can't help think it would also be insulting to me, especially since I've heard the child cry wolf or, in this case, people cry new J.K. Rowling. To get one's hopes up only to be flatten is terrible. However to be on par with the world's greatest authors would be a lifetime achievement of epic greatness for me.
And as a vivid reader myself, I've strayed away from the popular books or rather I remain ignorant of it until I hear all the praise and show for it. Then I usually or generally get curious and read it. But I find sometimes I rather dislike it or think, 'it was okay, I guess'. But then every once in a while I'll discover a book that is so wonderful and magical and enchanting that I just simply wonder why haven't people been reading THIS instead?
Of course, I've read most of the REALLY popular stuff, like Twilight (I can't really stand it because of Bella, but the writing was nice . . . somewhat) and The Hunger Games Trilogy (left me in tears but haunted me too much that I can't seem to bring myself to reread it fully again) or The Inheritance Cycle (I remember starting it then stopping, then picking it back up one day and finishing it).
However I discovered the Percy Jackson books before it got popular (I just SIMPLY LOVE these books!). I remember doing a book report on it in 9th Grade. And I remember vividly everyone being enthralled and attentive when I can my spiel on it. Even my teacher asked about it and thought he'd give it a try.
Now not to toot my own horn, but I have an incredible knack for picking out good books, and when I mean good -- I mean EXCELLENT. My skill hasn't let me down yet. But the only time when I feel bored or discouraged about half of the time is when I go and see/read what all the commotion over said book is about. Half of the time I like/love it, while the other half is dislike/hate it or HOW THE HECK THIS CRAP GET PUBLISHED????
Still I think it’s unfair to try and match every possible good book to the popularity that is Harry Potter or [shudders] Twilight or any other popular series.
After all publishers, I know you mean well, but you might send something back that could have been great. Then publish something not so great just because it's on the bandwagon. Now when I say bandwagon, I mean THEE bandwagon like Vampires in general. Sorry Twilight, but you're REALLY easily to get picked on for this. Ever since Twilight rose to its stardom (should I even call that?) it’s been NOTHING but Vampire this, Vampire that – a whole Vampire
I've gotten fed up with it to the point whenever I hear the word Vampire or anything dealing with them, I flee. I want to hide yet I can't. All because the stuff is EVERYWHERE. Vampire Dairies, True Blood, Blood Ties, etc etc. I'm sure there's more than that but I don't really care because I'm just tired of it all. Exhausted really. And personally I would be glad to hear the word again in 10 yrs time but right now I just look forward to Twilight ending on, hopefully, a peaceful note -- not a screamin' one by fangirls. [sighs]
Personally I LOVED her other book The Host. WAAAAAY better in my opinion. And best of all, NO VAMPIRES to worry about!
Anyway I'm getting off topic here, sorry.
I know, in the wise words of my mother and grandfather, it’s the matter of hitting the editor/publisher right in the face at the right time for it to blossom into something wonderful. Which is why I have up-teen many book plots and series stored away either in my head, in the notebooks in my backpack/pocket/closet/floor of my room, or on my laptop or merely telling it to another person willing to listen to my nonsense that seems to enchant them one way or another.
One day I do hope -- don't get me wrong -- to be on par with the famous J.K. Rowling (who shares my one of middle names, which is so cool in a geektastic way of course!). But I think that's still lightyears away now. Right now I'll just continue writing until I find the 'right' one that publishers will scream for and demand more hopefully and continue to be on the lookout for the next big thing whether it’s another book from J.K. Rowling herself or something else.
Never stop looking, reading nor believing.
I know I won't. 8DDD
Magpie~ <3
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