Thursday, 5 January 2012

I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late with Updates!

With a very late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, I blink and my break is ALMOST over. Where did all the time go? Spent it mostly with family, friends and the likes .... and READING. [laughs] I only JUST got my writing groove back and honestly I'm concerned. It took longer than last time for me to actually get back into ONE of my stories long enough to write or finish a chapter. If I don't continue to write for brief periods over this semester I fear I may end up going insane.

As if I wasn't insane enough to start with. Har har har .... a little harmless homour poke on my part. Please ingore. I'm a bit tired.

On another note, January 9th is a very good friend of mine's special day (meaning her BIRTHDAY) and I have a little surprise for her, which I think she'll just ADORE. I've already hinted this and she's just DYING to know. I'm a little cruel sometimes but in a playful teasing sort of way because I just ADORE you. Not to worry.

The reason is simply because of her story, "Mortal Heart" regarding a love story between a mortal girl and thee Angel of DEATH. I just drooled and fawned over her work so much that I just simply had to reread the first book before even going to the second book.  It is a 5 Book series in the form of "Volumes". She actually put a lot of research AND heart into this series so I only hope within the next couple years it'll finally be in my hands rather than on dA to read. I look forward to actually seeing it a reality! [nods, nods]

I promise to include why I mentioned her series in regards of the "surprise" on Monday. [winks]

Aside from that I have been reading a LOT lately. A mix between stuff for courses and the already LARGE pile of books I've recieved from Christmas as well as since September that I keep hiding and forgetting about until I find them. In fact I think I still have a few books left from four or five Christmases ago unread. YIKES. [laughs] But sooner or later I'll read them in order to balance out the ridiculous literature I have to read for classes. Don't get me wrong. Not all of them are bad -- just make me ask WHY whenever I see that it won some sort of prize or award. Not to mention the formatting and grammatical errors that just make me want to chuck the book or rip it ot shreds .... you have to get me awfully upset/fustrated to make me want to do that to a book folks, which is usually triggered by said author killing off one of my favourite characters. //SOBS

And speaking of killing of characters ... I do it too, so it's a mixed feeling. I don't want to, but the story practically tells me that's the way it goes, so I usually bite back, swallow my heartbroken gasp and ... kill off said character in the most glorious way possible. I really do try ot give their deaths a big meaning in the story -- wait, that's pretty why they get themselves killed off in the first place isn't it? //BAWLS

Anyway I'm starting to drown this post into a bawling fest, which is just depressing so switching to a lighter topic at hand -- I have a good feeling about this year for many reasons, which I'm not going to spill at the moment. I need to sort things out, see how they play out, THEN I'll report back. I don't want to get my hopes completely up only to have them terribly crushed (like last year .... ).

So hopefully, while keeping fingers crossed, things will turn out great maybe even EPIC AWESOME this year.

I mean, it IS the Year of the Almighty Dragon. ROAR.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HOMG. Totally wasn't expecting a shout-out. YOU'RE SO GOOD TO ME!!! QwQ

    But seriously, you're an absolute sweetheart, a dear friend, and amazing. And I reallyreallyreallyreally want to know what the surprise is!!!!! D:

    And, as a seems like most of my favorite characters get killed off too :[ SADNESS.

    <3 ROAR indeed.
