… in which I get to give a BIG shout out to my friend ~HasratAidenn, aka Mary, on dA for letting me drown her in my writer worries and spam her with torturous snippets of my works. Thank you for letting me be my overly dorky self when it comes to books and stories, while being my better and having the cool twin-lepty that I’ve always dreamed of having with someone regarding my life’s work outside the family and friends that I have. And for understand what we writers suffer through when dealing with difficult characters and awful writer blocks that plague us from time to time. I have so much respect and adoration for your writing it’s not even funny. If I could write like you I think I’d be satisfied, especially how you do some scenes … [swoons]
Okay, Okay, enough of my swooning and adoration.
It is time for my surprise.
And it is this … SONG LYRICS.
It is very very VERY rare that I’ll do lyrics based on a novel than my own. So I’m VERY pleased to say I did it. And when I did I couldn’t really stop. Before I knew it I ended up with five different lyrics ... er, rather two lyrics and three poems.
Crazy huh?
I was partly inspired by THIS guy here:
Jencarlos Canela singing "Amor Quédate", which is possibly one of my favourite songs by him. Just LOVE him. I've watched several episodes of his telenovelas. He's a good actor with, um, questionable hairstyles. [laughs awkwardly]
Here's the Spanish & English Mix Version of "Amor Quédate" Lyrics below:
When Mary was describing Azrael's singing voice, I kind of imagined it similar to Jencarlos'. Ahaha ... I can dream. But seriously Jencarlos was GREAT inspiration for the lyrics.
Although my heart breaks a bit learning that he's marrying someone that is in her late 30s although she doesn't look it but he's like what 23/24? It just boggles the mind for me. A 12 yr difference. I'm not one to think its weird but when you think of the long run ... it kind of makes me go ... "Really? That's a jump." Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him but worried how this is going to end, if there IS one. Then again I'm probably over analysing this a bit. [sighs]
Anyway enjoy~! <3
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